Preventive Dentistry

Preventive Dental Care at Sky Clinic

Good Oral Health Regime in Dubai keeps your teeth and gums healthy, whilst helping you to maintain fresh breath throughout the day. Although home care does play an important role in keeping your teeth clean, preventive dentistry further improves your chances of avoiding serious dental diseases that may not be defeated with a toothbrush and dental floss. Preventive dentistry aims to extend the lifespan of your natural teeth, removing hidden cavities, polishing teeth to a great shine, and protecting them from premature erosion or decay.

Renew Your Smile with Comprehensive Preventive Dental Care

Preventive Dental Care at Sky Clinic aims to help you avoid common problems like cavities and even gum disease that may be present in the inner sections of your mouth. Your dentist will examine your mouth cavity thoroughly, individually clean, scale, and polish your teeth as well. A dental cleaning reverses slight discoloration, and removes tartar and plaque buildup, renewing your smile completely.

How often you should visit our Dental Specialist

A regular dental checkup in Dubai is important for the entire family as it further helps identify other problems like teeth crowding, or bad bite which usually begins with teens. Early detection means you can avoid serious dental surgery later on, by taking effective counteractive measures early on while the problem is still developing. Preventive dentistry also means your dentist can monitor common problems such as an impacted wisdom tooth, or gum disease.

Preventive Dental Care: Your Key to a Healthy, Confident Smile

A regular dental checkup every six months will prevent you from going under the dreaded dental drill. Your dental hygienist will alert you to early signs of dental disease, take preventive measures to reverse the damage, and even go as far as strengthening your teeth with our special fluoride treatment. Fluoride Treatment helps your teeth to regain lost minerals and slow down the tooth erosion process.

Having healthy teeth means you can enjoy smiling, talking, and eating without fear, embarrassment, or pain. The Sky Clinic’s Preventive dental treatments are designed to give you optimal dental health enabling you to not only avoid more serious dental work in the future but also means you will save valuable time and money later on. 

Preventive dentistry helps in the early detection and prevention of dental problems, such as cavities and gum disease. It promotes good oral hygiene practices and can save you from more extensive and expensive dental treatments in the future.
It is generally recommended to visit your dentist for preventive check-ups every six months. However, your dentist may suggest a different schedule based on your individual oral health needs.
Professional dental cleanings help remove plaque and tartar build-up that cannot be effectively eliminated through regular brushing and flossing. This reduces the risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.
Yes, preventive dentistry is particularly important for children. It helps establish good oral hygiene habits from a young age, prevents cavities, and ensures proper tooth development.
Preventive dentistry is essential at all ages. For adults and seniors, it may involve monitoring for gum disease, addressing issues related to aging teeth, and providing customized dental care plans.
Many dental insurance plans cover preventive dentistry services, including check-ups and cleanings. It’s advisable to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage.

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