Wisdom Tooth Extraction Dubai

Dental Tooth Extraction

Dental Tooth Extraction in Dubai is done to avoid serious problems of gum disease, root infection, impacted tooth and a series of various other problems that require tooth removal. A tooth extraction can proceed an accident which has caused a shift in the angle of your teeth, when teeth have broken or chipped beyond repair. Dental surgeons in Dubai may recommend tooth removal if decay has proceeded to the centre root, which could lead to adjacent tooth also being infected in the same way. Extra Teeth are sometimes removed to make room for normal set or in cases where some teeth are too large leading to teeth crowding.

What is Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal is a common dental surgical treatment conducted at the Dubai Sky Clinic. Wisdom teeth are removed if the tooth has impacted other adjoining teeth, become infected or is causing the individual pain and discomfort in the surrounding tissue.

Teeth are sometimes extracted purely for cosmetic reasons. If you have teeth that are extremely yellow, or intrinsincly discolored where the dentine section is stained, of if your teeth are badly shaped, crookedly postured or just not making you happy, then surgical tooth extraction is done before dental implants. 

The Best Surgical Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Dubai

All dental surgeries are done after the patient is sedated or given a local anesthesia to completely numb the area, therefore you will feel no pain at all. There are various techniques that dentists use to extract a tooth without causing pain or discomfort. The most popular method is to break the tooth into two or more parts using a gentle vibrating tool which makes it easier to remove each piece without causing damage to the soft surrounding tissue. Dentists rarely pull the entire tooth out.

Features of Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Dubai at Sky Clinic Dental Center

  • Pain free and hassle free wisdom tooth extraction
  • Sophisticated tools, state-of-the-art dental technology
  • Skilled and experienced dentists in wisdom tooth extraction in Dubai
  • World-class Facility

Why choose Sky Clinic Dental Center for Wisdom Tooth Removal in Dubai

Dental Tooth Extraction is offered by Dental Surgeons at the Dubai Sky Clinic. We use the most sophisticated tools, state-of-the-art dental technology and conduct all our treatments in the most comfortable fashion yet. We are not just a dental clinic, we are dental facility encompassing the most skilled and experienced dentists in Dubai, a very enthusiastic team of dental clinical staff, and present it in a modern, yet breath taking location in the city.

If you are one of those patients with extreme dental phobia, visit the Dubai Sky Clinic and be treated by true dental professionals who really care. 

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  • Reduced space means high risk of adjacent teeth becoming infected as well
  • To eliminate the risk of swelling and gum disease
  • When damage can be caused to the surrounding bone and jaws
  • Eliminate risk of teeth crowding
The Extraction of Wisdom Teeth is a similar process to general extraction but is approached with careful planning due to the location. The patient is giving anaesthetic via an injection to numb the area completely. Your dentist will make sure the anaesthesia has taken effect by tapping the region. Simple wisdom tooth extraction is when the tooth has erupted sufficiently well or has crowned. This extraction is pretty straightforward. In the case of an impacted tooth, in which case the tooth has angled itself against the adjacent tooth due to reduced space, the surgery will take longer than normal. In this case, a tiny incision is made to the gums just above the tooth. The dentist will break the tooth in to three or four small pieces and remove them one at a time to reduce the damage caused to the jaw, gums, and adjacent tooth. The incision is usually a small one, requiring no stitch at all; however your dental surgeon may have just one stick to help the gums heal.
Wisdom tooth removal is a common dental surgical treatment conducted at the Dubai Sky Clinic. Wisdom teeth are removed if the tooth has impacted other adjoining teeth, become infected or is causing the individual pain and discomfort in the surrounding tissue. Teeth are sometimes extracted purely for cosmetic reasons. If you have teeth that are extremely yellow, or intrinsincly discolored where the dentine section is stained, of if your teeth are badly shaped, crookedly postured or just not making you happy, then surgical tooth extraction is done before dental implants.
The Extraction of Wisdom Teeth is a similar process to general extraction but is approached with careful planning due to the location. The patient is giving anaesthetic via an injection to numb the area completely. Your dentist will make sure the anaesthesia has taken effect by tapping the region. Simple wisdom tooth extraction is when the tooth has erupted sufficiently well or has crowned. This extraction is pretty straightforward. In the case of an impacted tooth, in which case the tooth has angled itself against the adjacent tooth due to reduced space, the surgery will take longer than normal. In this case, a tiny incision is made to the gums just above the tooth. The dentist will break the tooth in to three or four small pieces and remove them one at a time to reduce the damage caused to the jaw, gums, and adjacent tooth. The incision is usually a small one, requiring no stitch at all; however your dental surgeon may have just one stick to help the gums heal.
Wisdom teeth are the last and final set of teeth that begin eruption in your late teens and goes on till the end of the 20’s and sometimes even till the early 30’s. The eruptions are usually quite uncomfortable, causing pain and in the cases of many absolute agony. Wisdom teeth, known otherwise as third molars, are the final four teeth, two at the bottom, two at the top, one each on either ends. Some studies into the causes for wisdom teeth eruptions has lead scientists to believe that although our jaws have narrowed, the number of teeth have not changed. Wisdom teeth dates back to our first ancestors who ate a lot of foliage, requiring a lot of grinding and chewing in the back of the mouth. These days wisdom teeth eruptions are almost unnecessary, although some of us have room in our jaws to accommodate them. But for the rest of us, wisdom teeth leads to risk of infection, impacted wisdom teeth, in which case forward teeth become dislodged from its socket, and some eruptions can be so painful as the tooth itself is much bigger than the space allocated. This is why wisdom teeth must be removed to eliminate the risk of dental disease later on.

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