Bone Graft

Bone Grafting: Restoring Strength and Stability to Your Smile

Bone Grafting is similar to skin grafting, in which areas of your jaws that may have been compromised needing bone mass from elsewhere to support your existing teeth or prosthetic teeth.

Just as a strong foundation is crucial for a building’s stability, a healthy jawbone structure is essential for the longevity of your teeth and dental prosthetics. Our Bone Grafting procedure at Sky Clinic Dental Center offers a transformative solution to address compromised jaw areas, ensuring that your smile remains vibrant and resilient. 

Purpose of Bone Grafting Surgery

People may require a bone grafting surgery when needing implants, or after an accident in which surrounding bone may have collapsed. As a person ages, their teeth become lose and fragile. When a tooth dislodges from the jaw cavity, the surrounding bone slowly starts to disintegrate. This process alters the facial structure as the mouth and jaws start to sag.

Bone grafting is done to reverse this process and add lift to the jaws and also to help hold prosthetic teeth in place. Bone grafting surgery in Dubai usually takes between six and twelve months of healing before the results are seen. 

Enhancing Your Dental Experience:

At Sky Clinic Dental Center, we understand that a solid jawbone structure is integral to your overall oral health. Our Bone Grafting procedure goes beyond aesthetics, ensuring that you can savor your favorite foods, speak confidently, and maintain optimal oral hygiene. Our skilled team of professionals guides you through every step of the process, ensuring your comfort and well-being at all times.

Types of Bone Grafting Techniques

  • Autogenous graft – is where a small part of bone is taken from one part of the body and used in the area that needs it.
  • Allograft – Here bone is obtained through a donor or synthetic bone is used to fill the space. Bone grafting just like any other donor organ transplant is done after comprehensive testing and a thorough sterilization process.
  • Xenograft – Here bone is taken from animals such as a cow. A mammal’s bone is similar to that of humans and the transfer is done after testing and sterilization.

Bone Grafting is amongst the most complex dental surgeries and should only be conducted by highly skilled and very well-experienced dental surgeons. 


You might need a Bone Graft if you have experienced bone loss due to factors such as gum disease, tooth extraction, trauma, or resorption. It’s essential to have a healthy jawbone to support dental implants, dentures, or bridges effectively.
The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, ensuring that you’re comfortable and pain-free during the process. Afterward, you might experience some discomfort or mild pain, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.
Recovery times can vary depending on the extent of the graft and your individual healing process. Generally, you might experience some swelling and discomfort for a few days to a week. Your dentist will provide you with specific aftercare instructions to promote optimal healing.
Most patients can return to their regular activities within a few days after the procedure. However, it’s recommended to avoid vigorous physical activity and stick to a soft-food diet for a week or so to aid in the healing process.
While Bone Grafting is a common and safe procedure, not everyone is an ideal candidate. Your dentist will assess your oral health, medical history, and specific needs to determine if Bone Grafting is the right option for you.
Initially, you might need to stick to a softer diet to avoid putting excessive pressure on the graft site. As your jawbone heals and integrates with the graft, you can gradually reintroduce firmer foods into your diet.

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