Sinus Lift
Sinus Lift surgery Dubai

Understanding Bone Loss and Sinus Lift: Preparing for Dental Implants

Sinus Lift Dental Procedure in Dubai
Understanding Sinus Lift Surgery
The procedure may sound scary and complex, but in actual sense, it is not. Bone regenerates, so in simple terms, a small section of the bone is removed and lifted allowing new bone to grow and fill the space. Usually, bone from either your own body or from a donor body is placed in the gap to speed up the process. All patients are given an anesthetic or something to relax them, to ensure their comfort during the surgery.
In many cases, a sinus lift can elevate your chances for a successful dental implant in the upper jaw. Successful Dental implant surgery depends heavily on the quality and quantity of bone, and a sinus lift can significantly improve your chances of replacing teeth permanently.
Why Might I Need a Sinus Lift?
Is a Sinus Lift a Common Dental Procedure?
Is the Sinus Lift Procedure Painful?
Are There Risks Associated with Sinus Lift Surgery?
How Soon After a Sinus Lift Can I Get Dental Implants?
Is a Sinus Lift Covered by Dental Insurance?
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Dental Implants

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