When your teeth begin to hurt and you struggle to eat and chew food, you might have what we call an infected pulp for which a root canal is done. A root procedure helps by removing the infection and sealing the canal. Root canal Dubai is done routinely at the Dubai Sky Clinic, with patients feeling no pain at all.
We all know that we have to brush and floss regularly throughout the day and doing so keeps our teeth clean and free of bacteria. Dentists advice to brush after every meal, floss once a day, and may be even chew gum to cleanse our mouths. It’s easier said than done, and most of us who work will not be chewing gum at office or while attending a meeting.
This would mean, after brushing in the morning, the chances are the next time we brush our teeth would be in the night before we get into bed, giving bacteria about 12 hours to attack teeth. This is what causes cavities in our mouth, which eventually enters the centre of the tooth; the root.
The infection can be very painful, and actions like drinking hot or cold drinks, biting on meat, or eating spicy food can become extremely tedious. This is because the centre of the tooth has blood vessels and nerves which become extremely sensitive when attacked by bacteria.
A root canal treatment, which is a very routine procedure for most Dubai General Dentists or oral surgeons; is a treatment to remove the infected soft tissue and seal it with dental filling. The treatment is usually done in a single visit and can last about 30-40 minutes, but if the infection has spread to the gums and other neighbouring teeth, you may require up to three visits with your dentist. Infection in the gums can cause swelling, and removing the root at this point is not advised. Your dentist will first alleviate the swelling the gums and treat the spread of the infection by prescribing antibiotics. You will be given pain medication while the infection heals. On the second visit, a local anaesthetic is administered into the area and the root Is cleaned out. The middle of the tooth is washed cleaned and filled used dental resin. Resin is a hard cement like filling which can be moulded into shape and set to dry. Once dry the filling gives your tooth the strength it requires to keep it shape and not break.
A third visit with our Dubai cosmetic dentist is required only if your teeth are generally brittle. In this case, a crown will give your teeth the help it needs by encasing the entire outer surface of the tooth. A crown adds strength to a now hollow tooth, and additionally improves your smile and is stain and cavity resistant.
Visit the Dubai Sky Clinic if you have been experiencing tooth sensitivity issues or are experiencing dental aches. Our clinic situated at the top floors of the Burjuman Business Tower and the Jumeirah Lake Tower are two very strategic and scenic locations with a view, you won’t notice your roots are being cleaned.