The dangers of Reversible Pulpitis and Irreversible Pulpitis

The dentist in UAE explains that there are lots of different reasons that an individual may have a toothache and one of the most common reasons is called pulpitis.  Pulpitis is an inflammation of the dental pulp. Dental pulp is the portion of the tooth that has blood vessels and nerves in it. It is the core of the tooth that nourishes the hard parts of the tooth.

Usually, when a certain part of the body gets hurt or injured the first thing that happens is that it becomes red. This is a process called inflammation. The body sends blood and defense cells to the site of injury so that the body can begin the healing process.  This works great on most parts of the body. However, sometimes it’s not so effective and efficient when it happens inside the teeth.

When the dental pulp gets irritated, the body responds by sending extra blood and defense cells to the pulp.  When inflammation occurs in any other part of the body, there is room for expansion. For example, if we twist our ankle, it gets red and swollen as it starts the healing process.  When the teeth get irritated the pulp gets inflamed, the pulp doesn’t have the opportunity to expand as its surrounded by a very strong and hard tooth.

This increase in pressure can push on the nerves that run inside the dental pulp. Since the nerves in the pulp are only capable of sending the signal of pain to the brain,  an individual would feel pain. The inflammation also makes the teeth more sensitive and what normally does not hurt a tooth will all of the sudden start to cause excruciating pain.  For example, breathing cold air through the mouth, drinking hot drinks or chewing food can cause pain.

There are two types of pulpitis, irreversible and reversible explains the dental center in Dubai.

Reversible Pulpitis

Reversible pulpitis is simply a mild inflammation of the dental pulp.  It can be caused by an irritation to the dental pulp. Some common causes of reversible pulpitis include,

  • Cavities that haven’t reached the nerves

  • Erosion of the tooth that reaches the dentin

  • Drilling done by a dentist when doing a crown or fillings in Dubai on the tooth

  • A fracture of the enamel layer of the tooth, which can expose the dentin

  • Teeth cleaning and scraping, especially when they clean the roots if the patient has periodontal disease.

The symptoms of reversible pulpitis can range from nothing at all to a sharp pain when they are stimulated by things that normally don’t cause pain in the teeth. For instance, if you eat an ice lolly and the cold causes a sharp pain in the tooth and it quickly goes away when you swallow, it’s possible that you have reversible pulpitis.

The good news is that reversible pulpitis, like its name, is reversible and  it can go away if the cause of it is eliminated. Therefore, in order to cure reversible pulpitis it’s important to find the cause of the inflammation, and get rid of it.

Irreversible Pulpitis

Irreversible pulpitis is a severe inflammation of the dental pulp and occurs after reversible pulpitis and when it’s not treated properly or neglected.

The symptoms of irreversible pulpitis can range from no symptoms at all to an excruciating sudden pain.  The tooth can be very sensitive to the slightest temperature change and lingers. Unfortunately, once an individual has irreversible pulpitis, there’s no cure.  The only option is to have root canal therapy performed or to have the tooth extracted.

So make sure to have your teeth checked often, a prevention is better than cure.